Published Work
Mar 12 2021

Apr 19 2018

Sep 01 2017

Jan 01 2013

May 01 2012
Extended families living under one roof generally have not been a part of American culture. But that’s changing because of the bad economy coupled with longer lives. Elderly parents may have no option beyond moving in with their children. And their children’s children—cash-strapped and jobless—are increasingly moving back in with their parents.
As designer Sheila Rich puts it, “People are outliving their money, while the kids are graduating college with huge debts.”
Jul 01 2010

Jan 01 2009

Sep 01 2008
Some people, she said, are designing homes or making changes to their homes with an eye to the future - locating the master bedroom on the ground floor, for instance.
Jul 09 2008
Extension of the walking trail and the creation of a pavilion and two basketball courts at Alexandria Township Park, which opened almost five years ago, are among the 2008 goals of the Park and Recreation Commission outlined by commission chairman Paul Abraham.
Sep 22 2005
Architect Susan M. Rochelle will draw up renovation plans for 47 Leigh St., which the town wants to make into offices for its water and sewer employees and storage for the Historic Commission. The town has struggled over what to do with the house, which is beside the Municipal Building, for 12 years.